Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Common Cases When Tooth Extraction In Houston TX Is Necessary

A trip to the dentist is often a dreaded thing. This is especially true when you will have your tooth or teeth pulled out. Permanent teeth can last a lifetime but there are cases when they have to be extracted. These days, there are now modern ways of carrying out a tooth extraction although the traditional way is still widely used. If you are considering tooth extraction in Houston TX or anywhere else, it is a good idea to know what your options are to ensure that you have a safe and convenient procedure and quicker healing time.

As mentioned, there are instances when a tooth has to be extracted. The most common reason is when the tooth is badly damaged due to injury or decay. Other reasons include a crowded mouth, infection, periodontal or gum disease, radiation, organ transplant and chemotherapy. Of all tooth extraction categories, wisdom teeth removal is the most common. This is actually often recommended by dental professionals even before the wisdom tooth has fully developed in order to avoid potential problems in the future.

What to Expect

Generally, your dentist or oral surgeon will give you a local anesthetic to numb the area where the problem tooth is located. In the case of multiple teeth extraction, a strong general anesthetic may be used to make you sleep all throughout the procedure and prevent you from feeling the pain throughout your body. In the case of an impacted tooth, the dentist will cut away the gum and bone tissue to expose the tooth and using a pair of forceps, will rock it gently to loosen it from the jawbone and ligaments that hold it in place. For hard-to-pull tooth, it may have to be removed in pieces.

Basically, there are two types of tooth extraction- simple extraction and the surgical extraction. The former is a simple tooth extraction method commonly done by dentists with or without sedation or anti-anxiety medication. It is done on teeth that are easily seen in the mouth. For hard to reach teeth or those that can’t be easily seen, the surgical extraction is performed. This procedure requires some type of surgical procedure making it more complicated. In addition, it can be performed with local anesthesia and/or conscious sedation.

If you had a difficult tooth extraction, you may have to go back to your dentist for a follow-up check-up. But commonly, when it’s a simple procedure, you just have to take it easy for the rest of the day.

Got a dental issue that is keeping you from living your life to the fullest? Visit Dr.Holly Gregory, DDS at Northeast Houston Dental Implants &Periodontology today and see which solution is right for you. 

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