Monday, January 11, 2016

When Is It Advisable To Visit A Periodontist In Spring TX?

First of all, let’s understand what a periodontist is all about. In layman’s terms, he is a dentist that specializes in the areas surrounding and supporting your teeth specifically the gum, bones and connective tissues. To be a periodontist, you have to undertake at least three more years of advanced studies after you graduate from a dental school. In essence, a periodontist are dental experts focused on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of all disorders of all supporting structures of the teeth in addition to the placement of dental implants. A number of patients seek the expertise of a periodontist in Spring Texas or elsewhere for the treatment of periodontal diseases.

Periodontal disease is actually the term used for many different diseases affecting the periodontal are. However, they all give the same results- the loss of the attachment of the gum, connecting tissues as well as bone to the teeth. Most gum diseases are because of lack of proper oral hygiene causing bacteria to gather around the teeth. Accordingly, almost half of all adults in the US are affected by the disease. The problem, however is that the signs may not be obvious to some until it’s too late. Common signs of advanced gum diseases include loose or moving teeth, abscesses and eventually teeth loss.

Treating periodontal diseases largely depends on their cause making it crucial to have proper and accurate diagnosis starting with a comprehensive periodontal evaluation. In general, general dentists can handle early signs of the disease but periodontists handle advanced cases. However, if a general dentist handles the treatment, he should be able to keep up to the standards of a periodontist. Commonly, however, if a general dentist sees that the scope of the problem is way more than he can manage, he will gladly refer you to periodontal specialist.

If you are worried that you are suffering from a periodontal disease or any periodontal concern, you can go to your general dentist or a periodontist. If you have advanced form of periodontal disease and suffering from other medical conditions like diabetes and heart problems, go to a periodontist right away. Keep in mind that just like other chronic diseases, early detection and diagnosis of your periodontal or gum disease affords you a better chance for a successful and less costly treatment.

Are you suffering from any periodontal concern? Visit dental expert Dr. Holly Gregory, DDS for accurate evaluation and proper treatment.

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