Wednesday, October 14, 2015

What Makes Dental Implants In Spring TX Very Popular These Days?

Dental implants have definitely brought the field of dentistry to a whole new level. This dental solution is seen as an effective way of addressing single and multiple teeth loss. The great thing about it is that the replacement teeth are virtually no different from the real thing in terms of appearance, feel and function. Plus, it provides a solid and secure foundation for the artificial teeth and is able to last a lifetime. Then again, this dental option may not be for everybody. If you have missing teeth and considering reliable dental implants in Spring Texas as a possible solution, here’s some valuable information that you should know before going ahead with the procedure.

Primary Factors To Consider:

As stated above, dental implants may not be for everybody. There are crucial factors that need to be assessed beforehand as they can likely affect the overall result of the procedure. This is why there’s a need to carefully evaluate a potential candidate’s dental and medical history to determine whether or not he is ideal for dental implant treatment.

One crucial factor is his general health. He shouldn’t be suffering from any chronic health conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. In addition, he shouldn’t be presently undergoing any forms of treatments such as radiotherapy or surgery procedures as these may possibly affect the timing as well as the advisability of the treatment. A potential dental implant candidate should ideally be a non-smoker. If he is, he should be willing to quit during the duration of the procedure as smoking (and heavy drinking) can affect the outcome of dental implants. He should also agree to commit to a healthy lifestyle, healthy eating habits and proper oral hygiene during the course of the treatment as these are crucial to the ability of the bone to heal. He should also be willing to submit himself to some arduous forms of treatment and should be present during the series of appointments over a period of months. And finally, he should have sufficient amount of good bone quality available for the implant placement.

Risks Associated With Dental Implants:

The success rate of dental implants is remarkably high at about 96%. However, just like any medical procedure, this treatment also comes with some associated risks although very minimal, less than 5%. Some of these recognized implications include the potential development of infection, damage to an adjacent nerve which can result in pain, numbness or a tingling sensation in the teeth, gums, lip and chin areas. There are also reported cases of damage to the adjacent blood vessels which can cause bruising and bleeding. There may also be gum inflammation around the implants which can be unsightly. Moreover, there are rare cases of failed dental implants which may require their removal altogether. In general, however, dental implant treatment is considered safe and effective and any complications can be easily remedied by a dental professional.

Do you have missing teeth that are keeping you from living your life to the fullest? Visit Houston Dental Implants Oral Surgery & Periodontics today to help you decide which dental solution is right for you that could allow you to live a happy and fulfilled life.

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